Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Who's Here?

Today Landon was responsible for bringing the attendance to the office. The lead teacher called to warn me before he arrived, so I went to stand behind a closed door where I could just watch. Well he walked into the office smiling from ear to ear, holding the attendance folder firmly as he walked up to the tray where it supposed to be placed and dropped it right in.

He needed a little assistance reaching
 the tray this time...
One of the teacher aides was with him and she congratulated him on doing such a awesome job with being responsible. But the funny thing is while he's being responsible he still wants to check on his mommy.

Meanwhile, I'm standing back there but ducked to avoid him looking in my direction as he's walking around with his loud little stomp towards my area {where the orange paw is}. I'm peeping at him as he has this look like "where is she", he turns the empty chair around as if I was going to appear. He then looks around like "y'all know where she is". His teacher calls out his name, as he turned around he seemed a little upset. But he proceeded to move towards her.

Coincidentally she let him do it again, she grabbed the folder back from the tray to hand it back to him, and again he responsibly placed the folder back in the tray....

BAM! He got it!!
Which is where these great photos came from!!! 

This time once he was done, he nicely turned around with her and proceeded out the office.

Now imagine how overjoyed I was with witnessing such an achievement for him; as this was only his second time at this task and he did a magnificent job and HE owned it! 

I swear MY BOY sure knows how to BRIGHTEN such a Dull Day!!

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