Monday, October 6, 2014

Langley's Newest Tiger

Whelp after awaiting what seemed like confirmed the transition from Early Interventions to Early Stages was finally official. Landon started his first day at Langley Elementary School. He is an Autism class with 2 other students, a lead teacher and two educational aides. After longing for this day to come for the last three weeks I was so excited and ready to stride within this new stage of our journey. The morning started out perfect, he was in a good playful mood and even walked into the kitchen to motion for some bread. I guess he wanted a early breakfast for his Big Day.

Let me eat my Bread please...
The commute ended up being a little pushy as I would have run into some traffic but we made it on time.  Since my tour of duty starts at 8 and school doesn't officially start until 8:45, with 8:15 being the earliest a teacher can accept any students,  I had to keep him with me for a bit. I figured I'd keep him energized so we walked around the halls, until I eventually had to go to my desk.

Soon after one of the aides informed me that I can now bring him around. We walked hand in hand to his class and of course he got clingy the closer we got. As we walked into the class he loosened his grip a bit and released my hand and started his exploring voyage in his new class. 

I stayed around to assure he settled comfortably and was able to capture a few pictures of him. I moved onto my grand exit after seeing he was comfortable and on the move. 

Later I saw his class walking up past my area so I moved back to keep from him seeing me. I noticed he had on his hat; which he hates and takes off to throw any time he can. He was walking holding hands with one of the teachers just like a big boy. I had given his teacher advanced noticed that he would be leaving early today to attend a physical for his 3 year old check up. When I got to the class he was laying on his mat, napping. I asked his teachers how was his first day and they replied he did a very good job and you would've thought he had been there before. The lead teacher also mentioned that he seems to like imitation play very well. And that she's certain he will continue to transition smoothly.

Mommy I'm good....
Okay, so  I'm sure you're wondering by now why is he attending Langley when I mentioned he was placed at Seaton Elementary. Well, after sleeping and thinking how we could pull off me getting to work on time and him attending Seaton, which didnt provide any before care.  I contacted Early Stages and inquired if he could be switched to Langley, considering we offered the same Autism class where they placed him. I mentioned that Seaton didn't offer before care, I currently work there (Langley) and that I was eagerly interested in accepting the transition--but that was my only hiccup. I was told they would seek into the request and get back to me. Needless to say, they called me back within 10 minutes stating they could accommodate my request. 

Instantly I gave My thanks to God, because he made all of this possible!! This journey may have been unexpected for sure to me, but HE already had it planed and HE is making the way!!! How ironic is it Im hired within DCPS; working at Coolidge SHS after two school years, was facing an involuntary transfer near the end of the school year, interviewed and hired at Langley.... and fortunately now Landon is attending Langley as well. Nothing but GOD!!!!

 Back To School Night on September 24th...
Landon and Dad came for their first visit and meet & greet.

 It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
 Ernest Hemingway

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