I have been wanting to share this for quite a while now, but for some reason I kept holding off but; here goes….
Before Landon was diagnosed with Kleefstra Syndrome, I started noticing he was having major sleep interruptions throughout some nights. Of course it was no consistent pattern. But they started occurring pretty regularly. Some nights he would sleep well through the night with no interruptions; but other times he may experience multiple interruptions. Coincidentally after he was officially diagnosed I learned sleep disorders was one of side effects of KS. I notice when he wakes up he seems to be half asleep, but he tends to become distressed and can become overactive with his behavioral; he will start to hit, smack, pulls or pinches your face or sometimes he'll just cry for long periods at a time. And this only happens when during the night, not at nap time, which is even more weird. I personally have been trying to avoid mentioning this to his pediatrician because I fear the fact of him possibly being placed on sleeping medication. However, the flip side to this is it causes me to be extremely tired, restless and possibly irritable the following day. And even throughout the night while this is occurring I find myself becoming highly frustrated because I am tired. This sometimes causes me to yell or attempt to pop him because my reflex has naturally kicked in (I’m only human). Then after realizing that he isn’t the blame and he's definitely unaware of his condition I feel horribly bad and I immediately apologize to him and begin to pray.
So today is one of those days where I'm extremely tired because he woke up numerous times last night. Not only do I feel bad because I'm tired but I know this only affects him as well. I did inform his teachers he may be cranky today and should be looking forward to nap time. Far as me, luckily although I'm only on my 2nd day at a new school, it’s not too busy or overwhelming just yet, so I'm quite comfortable. However, I do have a training class this afternoon and I hope I'm able to keep my eyes open.
As you could imagine this is one of the "Unfortunate" side effects to this Journey--but WE remain POSITIVE!!!!
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