Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Otto Spaghetti' O

This was taken yesterday evening at dinner time. I had made chicken & spinach lasagna Sunday for us, but had given Landon spaghetti instead for his dinner. He has been doing such a awesome job with self-feeding. If he can eat something messy as spaghetti by himself this only confirms he is continually progressing in all areas. And everyone knows My Baby don't play when it comes to eating.

I found this information below from
Of course this is in stages of a normal toddler with non-existing development issues. And it notes:
**As the sense of self increases, so will your child's achievements in self-care. He'll naturally develop and fine-tune his motor skills over the next three years to master.
Using a fork and spoon: Some toddlers start wanting to use utensils as early as 13 months, and most children have figured out this all-important skill by 17 or 18 months. By age 4, your child will probably be able to hold utensils like an adult and be ready to learn  table manners. Until then be prepared to help out.**

So in our case, each time he shows any sign of improvement we celebrate and cheer him on along the way, because these are momentum milestones for us.

Way to Go Landon!!!

"ummmm goood"

"All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work."
-Calvin Coolidge

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