Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Little February Funny

I have a little funny to share....which is honestly a BIG Funny to Me!

So Landon knows how to open the all the doors in our home, with the bathroom being his favorite pick of course, considering he knows how to turn the water on. Most times I go in after realizing his in  there get him out and sometimes I allow him stay just to play in the water. Lately while in the bathroom he's been taking his /our toothbrushes out playing with them, sometimes he'll sit on the edge of tub and brush his teeth.
Cuaght red handed!!!
Taken 1/17
However yesterday he did all of this but this time I noticed he had Anesia's toothbrush in his hand this time. I remember seeing him brush the dresser {yes my newly resurfaced dresser} and me telling him to give it to me, but then after that draws a blank.

Needless to say this morning I remembered when I went to brush our teeth and I told Anesia to get a new one because Landon had it last. She went to ask him "Landon where is my toothbrush",  he replies with a "hummm", she says again, "Landon wheres my toothbrush",  he replies "MaMa" and burst out laughing!
Caught again!!! Messing!
Taken 2/8

Of course I did too--so shes like Ma, stop laughing its not funny he probably put it in his pot or the hamper--as the hamper has also become his go to place to get into something. He pulls all the clothes out then throws something else on there.

Ohhh boy I'm still laughing! I told her that might be your karma for always blaming stuff on him,  knowing he can't speak to defend himself; payback is something!

This is one of many funnies that bring JOY to us!! Although he can't talk like a normal toddler his age, its clearly obvious he understands well.

Currently all his words/sounds are:
"MaMa, Ba-by, Bye Bye, B-B, Hummm, DaDa"

His teacher often says he says or makes new sounds but I havnt actually heard any just yet.


~So many tangles in life are ultimately hopeless that we have no appropriate sword other than laughter.~
Gordon W. Allport

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