Thursday, November 20, 2014

Progress & Updates

We had our first parent-teacher conference on Monday, November 11th. There was so much information shared for Landon's progress with his teachers. I was super pleased hearing my boy has adjusted so well with his new schooling environment. Although he's in the same building with me, there is so much I don't get to see. But with the daily logs that come home and having this opportunity to actually see how his day is structured and his work is simply breathtaking; with every shared progress I always feel a piece of fulfillment knowing my daily prayer is making him stronger by the day.

His teacher shared his Glows Log report:
  • Repeated the word "stop" when teacher asked him to stop while practicing walk, stop and wait in the halls; dated 10/21
  • Imitated wave hello to friends during morning meeting opening song, "Hello"; dated 10/21
  • Initiated song "Wheels on the Bus" by rolling hands as a reinforcer for completing 3 piece inset picture to picture wooden puzzle; dated 10/21
  • Provided with a teacher model to "raise hand", Landon raised his hand to participate during morning meeting; dated 10/29
  • Landon did a nice job playing alongside peer for abut 2 minutes as well as sharing toys with peers; dated 11/7
Now how awesome is that!!!

But with all that greatness above and while he is rapidly progressing in certain areas, there is still other areas we have to focus in working on. See below email shared from his teacher for seating support...
"Hey Ms. Staton, PT and I talked today about supports for Landon while sitting during seat work and meal time. See email below.
  • Hello AT team!
    I am the physical therapist for Landon Greene, a three year old student . I have CC'd his teacher and OT to this email.
    Today I noticed that Landon is very unstable in his current seating arrangement. In the cafeteria, he sits on a bench and his legs dangle. I had to support him because he was falling to the side and staff report that he has fallen backwards off the bench. In his classroom, he has no chair small enough for him to rest his feet flat on the floor. Even with a box under his feet, I feel that he needs lateral supports for safety. He has very low tone and poor core strength.
    When would you be available to see this child or meet with me/his teacher? Can we get him a chair with lateral supports with an optional tray that can be used in the classroom and in the cafeteria?
Once someone contacts us to schedule a visit, I will also discuss assistive technology supports for communication as well. Thanks". 

However, in other news check out who was honored for RESPECT??

Go Landon!!!!!
Landon received his very 1st school award for demonstrating a Langley Core Value!!!

And I'm including a few pictures his teacher shared.

sitting in the gym...

having some therapy time with the bike..

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