Monday, September 1, 2014

Hello September

Hello September! Welcome.

Well it's been some weeks since I was able to make a post; between the start of school and every day responsibilities and moves you don't realize how time gets away from you. 

This post will include some updates and photos.

Landon sitting ready in his new wheels!

As we know Landon has been walking independently 2 months now and oddly enough we're still in a "awwwee". We finally just had an Assistive Technology evaluation back in July. The purpose of that evaluation was to determine if Landon could benefit from any communication and/or other devices to assist with independencey and performing any tasks that he may be incapable of. Fortunately we had already been seen and fitted for new equitment {bath seat, stroller and new AFO's} sometime ago, that we just received 2 weeks ago.

Close-Up of the New Cool Superman AFO's
(Yup he bent them already trying to take them off)

These AFO's requires new shoes...
#deeplongsigh #thisisthehardpart 
Bubbles of Fun....testing out the new bath seat!

Following the AT evaluation, last week he started land therapy and will start aquatic therapy this week.  Land therapy is held for one hour, once weekly and aquatic is held for half hour, once weekly as well. The two of these will help incorporate better balance and coordination with his walking. And both are held at the HSC Center instead of school.

Speaking of therapy at school... Landon has recently been assigned both a new Occupational & Speech therapist and unfortunately had to say his farewells to Melissa and Manisha, as they both are heading out for new adventures--we will miss them dearly. But fortunately he welcomed back Negar this week!!! I have to admit we're forever grateful to the three of them for assisting with Landon's progression and development during this journey! And for that I'm forever indebted to them!!! They 
have all not only been amazing with him, but with assisting and coaching me to tackle the roads 
within this phase as well. 

Landon & Manisha getting their Farewell Selfies on!!
(His previous Occupational Therapist)
Landon & Melissa! He always gave her sugars!
(His previous Speech Therapist)
Landon & Negar!!! As you see he knows he's her baby!
Glad to have her back!!

In other news, Dad and I have talked and is highly considering taking signing classes to assist with keeping Landon encouraged to use his speech by signing. He has actually been verbally saying
 "ma-ma" and "da-da" lately, and as excited & applaud I am to hear him say this, I'm still not sure if he's associating the words with us. The mother in me think he is, but I'm still being patient.

Lastly, welcoming September in using this time to prep for some Team LRG Fun!! With his 3rd Birthday and the Autism Walk approaching in 5 weeks....can you say this is gonna be one exhausted Mama!!! Is all worth it #smiles!!!

I think that covers a light snippet of some of Landon's updates. 

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