Monday, June 9, 2014

Visit to Physical Medicine & Rehab

Landon visited the Physical Medicine and Rehab department for the first time on Friday, June 6th. He was referred by his complex-care pediatrician to be evaluated for new AFO's and further possible usage of any needed equipment. And after 2 months of waiting for the appointment date to finally arrive--here we go.

The appointment started with the doctors attendee asking me various questions, addressing any questions or concerns I had, which were; {pampers after he outgrows his current size 6, which happens to the last size right before moving into a pull-up and new braces to provide more support his upper legs}. The last of the appointment was followed up by the attendee completing an full body assessment.

Finally the doctor entered the room, she started out with discussing recommendations via the information that was provided by her attendee. She also requested to see Landon stand and walk with hand in hand support. She did inquire how was his progression with his gait trainer, which I was able to show her via video from my phone. She then proceeded with her recommendations, which were; prescriptions for new AFO's (bilateral SMAFO that would come up a little further towards his leg area), adaptive stroller for assistance with long travels that would exceed him using the gait trainer and put less strain on him being carried, a bathing chair to assist with bath time & him sitting up straight, and last she suggested that he takes aquatic therapy. As she was certainly sure that he could possibly learn to walk faster independently in the water before walking independently on regular grounded surface.

Last, she recommended a follow-up appointment.

Overall, I was pleased with this visit, as there are many that I leave with uncertainty and unanswered questions. The doctor was very resourceful and had given me a sense of assurance that things are moving along just well with the physical and therapeutic support that's already have in place.

I'm looking forward to our follow-up in September.

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