Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Infinity and BEYOND

And today this just happened!!

I'm shaking with EXCITEMENT as I ANXIOUSLY type this message, from my phone in the parking lot of his school!! 

I've heard several times from his teachers, therapists and staff that he has been taking independent steps, but to actually witness this myself is UNEXPLAINABLE!

My Boy has a long way to come, but the fact that he's come this far is more than a BLESSING!

In the the words of Buzz Lightyear....

So as you see I had previously wrote all that ^above^ but couldn't post the video until it had been downloaded and saved via my mobile google. Which actually worked out great, since I had decided on an Impromptu "Ice-Cream" Celebration! 

Now I welcome you to take part in today's event -- AND HE WAS WALKING!!!!!

{Video 1}
Here I come! 

Mommy, Sissy & I celebrating...
sharing Ice'Cream at Sweet Frog!

I'm A Cookie Monster...

This was OUR's to share, and I ate most..
But that aint None of your Business!!!
(as Kermit would say)

Video 2 & 3 (two at top) taken at Costco,
Video 4 (bottom left)  taken leaving Sweet Frog
and Video 5(bottom right) taken heading to the house.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Proud Mama

Of course I had to anxiously share this--so yesterday Landon showed 2 areas of improvement process and I was fortunate to capture them.

The first photo shows Landon self-feeding; eating cereal with milk from a suction bowl while in his high-chair. This is the first time I considered having him do this unassisted. Lately, I've been sitting him in the chair and just feeding him myself. I figure cleaning up milk and cereal would be too much of a hassle.

~Cheerios CHEER~

The next photo shows him washing his hands. This guy wants to wash his hands every time he sees me or someone else go into the bathroom--which is actually a great thing to keep germs away. Not to mention he knows he has to wash his hands each morning at drop off and throughout the day at school. Anyone that knows Landon, knows that he loves water, so washing his hands is excites him.

~This is the way I wash my hands, from left to right~

Someone shared with me that "One of the greatest perks of being a mother of a special child is: Every milestone your baby achieves is Celebrated and NOT Expected"!!

“Think left and think right and think low and think high.
Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” 
 -Dr. Seuss

Sunday, June 15, 2014

My Special Needs Father's Day Tribute

What is the true meaning of a Father? Any male can bear a child and become a parent. But it takes a real responsible man with morals and integrity to be an active Father. And it takes an extraordinary-stern kind of man to be a Father to a special needs child.

While it’s known a special needs mother is naturally the care-giver for the child the majority of the time, the one who tends to discuss, advocate and rally support around the child’s daily needs. The Father is the one who is generally more reserved and the person behind the scenes; but holds an intensive interest and is emotionally invested in the care of the child as well. He brings the calming sense of presence and helps provide the clarity to the world of the unknown—since the Father is equally vital.

Imagine the thought of any Father knowing he may not be able to teach his son his first pitch, his first free-style basketball shot, show him the proper way to hold and throw a football, ride a bike or even be his driving instructor. Instead, these Dads become the unsung hero to the life of their special needs child.

I will admit, often I have to remind myself I'm not running within this journey alone, because behind every special needs child there is a support team in place to help that child thrive; the doctors, therapists, dedicated teachers, extended family & friends and most importantly DAD.

In all fairness and in honor of this day, because Dads do deserve the acknowledgment, praise, gratitude, high five & pat on the back or even a hug. I thank all of you for loving and accepting your child with the disability as you are rallying their best result of your protection, nurturing and providing care.

With that being said, I'm also dedicating this post to My Love & Landon's Dad.....

I/We hope your day is bold & diligent as you; 
you have given us
your best and 
never neglected to provide for us.
As we know you're neither a  
sun nor moon to
light up the whole sky.
But just candles in the 
shadows of the night,
shining brightly to 
those that surround you.
You are such a handsome partner,

selfless father and a noble man for us.
We're grateful for the light you’ve shone!


Landon's 1st Buddy!!

Landon's 1st Hero!!

Landon's Personal Barber!!

Landon's Leader!!

Our Family {taken Father's Day 2013}!!

"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed,
and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society".
– Billy Graham

Monday, June 9, 2014

Playgroup Saturday

Playgroup started out normal for us with Landon's shameful-shy entrance. We started out with circle time with the kids picking a picture to indicate with nursery song they wanted to sing. Next we moved into play-time with a big bucket full of different textured items with empty bottles and spoons to fill them up with. He started with hand over hand placing the objects into the bottle, eventually that became a bore to him so I moved him over the play-mats area where he started crawling around exploring his surroundings and crawling in and out of the tunnels, but only after all the other kids crawled out.
We finally moved outside to the play area where he wanted to get into his favorite ride-on toy. After several back and forth movements he was ready to get out and wanted to walk around.
We ended playgroup with singing of our good-bye song.



"Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning".

-Fred Rogers



Visit to Physical Medicine & Rehab

Landon visited the Physical Medicine and Rehab department for the first time on Friday, June 6th. He was referred by his complex-care pediatrician to be evaluated for new AFO's and further possible usage of any needed equipment. And after 2 months of waiting for the appointment date to finally arrive--here we go.

The appointment started with the doctors attendee asking me various questions, addressing any questions or concerns I had, which were; {pampers after he outgrows his current size 6, which happens to the last size right before moving into a pull-up and new braces to provide more support his upper legs}. The last of the appointment was followed up by the attendee completing an full body assessment.

Finally the doctor entered the room, she started out with discussing recommendations via the information that was provided by her attendee. She also requested to see Landon stand and walk with hand in hand support. She did inquire how was his progression with his gait trainer, which I was able to show her via video from my phone. She then proceeded with her recommendations, which were; prescriptions for new AFO's (bilateral SMAFO that would come up a little further towards his leg area), adaptive stroller for assistance with long travels that would exceed him using the gait trainer and put less strain on him being carried, a bathing chair to assist with bath time & him sitting up straight, and last she suggested that he takes aquatic therapy. As she was certainly sure that he could possibly learn to walk faster independently in the water before walking independently on regular grounded surface.

Last, she recommended a follow-up appointment.

Overall, I was pleased with this visit, as there are many that I leave with uncertainty and unanswered questions. The doctor was very resourceful and had given me a sense of assurance that things are moving along just well with the physical and therapeutic support that's already have in place.

I'm looking forward to our follow-up in September.