Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Wishes

I dedicate this post to my fellow Special Needs Mommas.

As we embraced on this special day known as "Mothers Day"-- a much needed day to rejoice in yourself, a day of joy and celebration, a wishful day of relaxation; which is often bittersweet. Being a mom is rewarding, but yet one of the most challenging jobs a woman can have. And a being mother of special needs child throws a woman unexpectedly into a world where no one else quite understands, except another special needs mother. 

As we all deal with different challenges in the aspect of our special needs kid, we must continue to uplift each other with support and guidance, as some of us are still learning, absorbing and accepting the new assignment that has been given. I truly believe a unspoken bond already exists between mothers with kid(s) of special needs, and discovering it gives you a since of inner-peace because you know there is someone who truly understands what your going through. Granted, most of us have more to bear with our special one, but in time the courage, strength and patience you endure makes it easier, gives you balance and you're given that much courage to keep pushing. 

In my experience Blogging has become the single most therapeutic thing for me in my journey as a special needs mom. The way I see it is, we all have to find a way to joggle, a outlet,  time to reflect and also share in the unexpected greatness of this journey.

So today I'm wishing a Happy Mothers Day to all of you Super, Magnificent, Wonderful, and Amazing Special Moms who ROCK. Always believe you're not SPECIAL because you're a mom to a special needs kid, but you're special because God choose you to do a Special Job! 

I hope you all enjoyed in "your" beautiful day.

Lavita {Landon's Super-Special Mommy}

“Children remind us to treasure the smallest of gifts, even in the most difficult times.” 
~ Allen Klein

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