Friday, August 15, 2014

MORE Has Returned!!!

My very first post since August has come in (deep sigh), yet again I have fallen behind. So many updates to share, so many memorized and written notes to post. But I couldn't hold out on sharing this.  As you know Landon receives Speech therapy, where he's taught to sign to communicate amongst other ways, but lately he's become more consistent with communicating with gestures only. He was onto a great start last year, he had excelled the sign for "more"; which he hasn't done in almost a year now, at home nor at school (that I'm aware of). Recently he was being evaluated for Assistive Technology and the attending speech therapist was able to get him to sign "more", as I told her she could draw him in by playing in the water. Since then he's been productive, eager and consistent with signing upon being asked or prompted. I hope and pray this time around he wont regress again, as often he regresses in areas of his development.

This time I was able to catch him on video. And of course since it's known that water is Landon's best activity, why not encourage him every time. I had even brought him he's own soap since I know he loves to wash his hands.

I hope this warms your heart as much as it warms mines!!!! My boy is making progress in more ways than one, just on his time--and I'm completely fine with that!!!

"Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. Man's life is independent. He is born not for the development of the society alone, but for the DEVELOPMENT OF HIS SELF". -B.R. Ambedkar