Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Our Day Out with Thomas

This past Sunday, me & My Supa'Mom Pal Janell took the boys out for a ride with Thomas The Train. The weather was awesome and it was such a perfect day to be out in the town of Baltimore. We got there a little later than planned which caused us to miss our scheduled 2:30 train ride; but we were able wait for the next train.

I took Landon's gait trainer, so he was on the move as we waited for the next train. There were tons of families out taking in part of the day, with activities and mini rides for the kids as well.

As we waited to board the train, we saw some kids with their Thomas outfits, favorite t-shirts, hats, and toys--it was too adorable. Finally we got to our seats and the 4 of us sat and began to enjoy the ride. Thomas the Tank Engine was able to talk to his fans while we rode the 25 minutes.  And the conductor dressed as Sir Topham Hatt gave each of the kids a Jr. Engineer Certificate.

This is one of many outings we will we have with our Favorite Mommy/Son Duo, as Landon & Christopher will become Big Boy BF Buddies!!!

Below are some pictures of us and a video of Landon checking out the scenery inside the B&O Railroad Musuem. I hope you enjoy as much as we did. #smile


Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter!

Wishing all had a Blessed and EGG-STRAA Special Day!
{Landon pictured with his oldest Sissy, Anesia}

"Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of New Life".  ~S.D. Gordon


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Fresh Spotlight News

Fresh Spotlight of the Day by Fresh Daily Inc.
{To read the full article click the link below....}

Landon is a non-verbal 2.5 year old shy, yet silly little-lovable guy who’s putting up a good fight to overcome living with a Rare Genetic Disease and some developmental issues he has that DARES him to be uniquely different from normal children his age. Landon was diagnosed with Kleefstra Syndrome in September 2013; after on-going several evaluations to find a supporting reason that was causing major delays in his development. Currently, Landon attends Easter Seals Child Development Center in Washington, DC; a child care center who specializes in providing services for children with a variety developmental delays and /or special needs.

Landon enjoys playing and spending time with his Big Sisters Anesia & Damari and several cousins. He loves bath time, books and his best times of the day are eating. Currently his new hobby has been using his Gait Trainer for walking assistance, which he very much enjoys.

Since having Landon his Mom is on a new journey, she has made it her business, as his mother, to keep the family involved with supporting many different awareness groups and/or activities. Thus, Team LRG will be participating in the March of Dimes March for Babies Walk on Saturday, May 3rd, in Washington DC. I’m looking forward to soon branding my very own support group in light of Landon and other kids in the DC Metropolitan Area.
You can follow Landon’s Journey by keeping up with his Blog @:landonsleap
You can also support Team LRG & March of Dimes March for Babies, by registering to walk and/or making a donation of any domination @:marchforbabies

To keep up with Fresh Features, News and Events be sure to follow Fresh Daily  Inc. 
This teams mission is REMARKABLE and their doing AMAZING  things serving up your DOSE of DMV Freshness within the DC Community. These Beautiful Ladies of FDI will be certain to enlighten what FRESH really IS!!!

I often realize Life is about connections, networking and the lasting impressions you leave on people. I often tell my daughter to always be good to people, treat people fairly & with respect and you will always be remembered.

"Being good is commendable, but only when it is combined with doing good is it useful".
 ~Author Unknown

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Step! March!!

Check out Landon taking one of his first independent steps, with assistance from his PT Negar.
This video made such a Dull & Rainy Day so BRIGHT!!!


Below, I've also shared some therapy notes for the week....

THERAPY NOTE-Physical Therapy 4/15

Landon tolerated the session well. He practiced the stairs earlier this am with the therapist, going up/down 15 steps with one railing and one hand held using step to pattern and min. to mod. support for balance; he went up 15 steps with one railing and one hand held alternating his feet with mod. support. He stood for 10 seconds x 1, 12 seconds x 1 and 5-6 seconds x 5 trials during circle time activities in the classroom and he took one forward step leading with the right foot. Continue with plan of care.

THERAPY NOTE-Physical Therapy 4/15
Landon was seen mostly in his classroom today. He practiced floor transfers; pulling up via 1/2 kneeling independently mostly at the sink where he seems to enjoy having his hands washed. He lowers himself with both hands supported with good/fair control He transfers via plantargrade position with hands pushing off the surface with mod. support. He practiced stepping up/down a 4-inch bench alongside his peers with both hands held. He walked in the classroom with one hand held several feet from one designated area to another. He cruised to the right/left using his hands to support most of his weight. Continue with plan of care.

THERAPY NOTE-Occupational Therapy 4/14
Worked with Landon on the playground. He was in his walker moving around. Took him out of the walker so he could explore. Facilitated his crawling up the climbing structure. He seemed hesitant to go down the slide initially but as he was positioned, he went down (lying down, not sitting). We did this several times and the last time, he tried to initiate going down the slide head first. When at the bottom of the slide, he would either wait for help to sit up and then stand or he slid himself off the bottom onto the ground. He also was interested in exploring the tree/dirt area and touched the branches and leaves and also dug his hands into the dirt. Positioned him on the tricycle and when OT pushed the tricycle, he tried to move his feet forward. Positioned Landon in one of the cars as he was interested in the car at the end of the session. Continue with plan of care.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Battle of the Sand

Today we went to the National Harbor and I took the advantage of having Landon walk while we where there; which was perfect since the weather was absolutely amazing and of course there's so much space and opportunity for him to comfortably stroll on through. Upon our arrival, I got out to get the walker from the trunk and while I was putting it up I noticed Landon watching me from the window while he was still in the car. As soon as I picked him up, he was showing emotions of excitement, as my boy knew exactly what he was about to do. I got him strapped in and he was immediately on the move.

As he begin to lead the way, we all followed. After several attempts of stopping him from heading towards the ramp where the Awakening Statue and sand was, I finally decided to just let him go. He walked/wheeled on down the ramp so anxiously as he wanted to achieve a win, and I was right behind him assuring he kept off peoples toes. Finally as he got to the end of the concrete he had a destinct look on his face, a look that told me he knew he was now standing on a texture of something different then what he was before. But instead of him becoming discouraged and stopping he continued to look at me with this face, a face that showed no fear, but determination.

He insisted on moving his feet so he could continue to move his he moved the wheels moved toughly through the sand. At this point I knew my boy was sure of one thing, and that was to get down to that sand, and THAT HE DID. He was even able to kick his feet through the sand a bit.

{check out his wheel trails}

I remember back in December when I would have a rough time trying to put Landon onto his walker, but his Physical Therapist would tell me she had no problems. Now the only problem I have is trying to take him off the walker-which only confirms progression.

Although I'll have to admit the fight he puts up when its time to take him out is PRICELESS!!!

** I dedicate this post to a special someone who called Landon "His Hero" -- as he, himself is a "HERO" to someone else!! ** 

"Nothing is given to man on earth – struggle is built into the nature of life, and conflict is possible – the hero is the man who lets no obstacle prevent him from pursuing the values he has chosen". –Andrew Bernstein

Friday, April 4, 2014

Look What I Can Do, Mommy!

Upon picking Landon up from daycare, I thought to myself I wonder how he would do if we attempted to walk to my grandmothers house; which is maybe 2 blocks from his school. I asked his teacher what did she think and she said,  "I think he can do it". As we began to walk he appeared to be doing well, then all of a sudden he started slouching down, which I was thinking I guess we'll be turning around soon. He did this again, this time I noticed he picked up a little more speed and lifted his feet up in the back. Now, I'm thinking, what is this boy doing, so I called Dad and explained it to him, we're both laughing.

After Dad & I hung up, I'm thinking, I've got to capture I look at my phone to assure I have it on video so I'm ready when he does it again and wallah "THERE HE GOES"!!! I'm cracking up laughing because now I know he knows exactly what he's going, and  its so evident he's enjoying it.

I laughed all the way to my grandmothers house and back to the daycare, but my laugh was filled with so much joy & excitement not only because I saw progress but mainly because I know even he has to make fun with this..... because this is who HE is!

Check out the photo/videos--I hope this thrills you as much as it does me every time I hit repeat!!



Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Light it Up BLUE!!

DYK The seventh annual World Autism Awareness Day is April 2, 2014. Every year, autism organizations around the world celebrate the day with unique fundraising and awareness-raising events. Did you wear your BLUE today?
  • 1 percent of the population of children in the U.S. ages 3-17 have an autism spectrum disorder.
  • Prevalence is estimated at 1 in 68 births.
  • 1 to 1.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder.
  • Fastest-growing developmental disability; 1,148% growth rate.
  • 60% of costs are in adult services.7
  • Cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with early diagnosis and intervention.
  • 1 percent of the adult population of the United Kingdom have an autism spectrum disorder.
  • Only 56% of students with autism finish high school and would possibly graduate on what some states call a "certificate-track", not with a diploma.
  • The average per-pupil expenditure for educating a child with autism was estimated by SEEP to be over $18,000 in the 1999-2000 school year. This estimate was nearly three times the expenditure for a typical regular education student who did not receive special education services.

  • March Countdown

    As we welcome April, Team LRG is counting down until the March of Dimes March for Babies Walk. We are fundraising money for our team with Popcorn Palace --

    DYK: The March of Dimes strives to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. The March of Dimes has been caring for America's children for over 75 years and continues to work to create a world where every baby born is a healthy baby. For more information on March of Dimes visit there web page at

    March of Dimes Kick-Off Meet & Great (Feb. 9th).
    We made cards for babies in the NICU

    If you are interested in joining our team and/or making a donation please visit 

    This time around we have a Team Image Design created for your supportive gear needs.
    {{Visioned by ME with Landon's personal shoe, created by}}