Friday, September 27, 2013

Who is LANDON??

Ummm...where should I start??

Landon is a non-verbal 2 year old little silly, yet shy guy; who has a weird way of showing expressions. He's a goof-ball and full of laughter. He hates pictures but can sometimes be easily fooled for a smiling photo, however, recently he appears to enjoy having a photo taken only if the camera is reversed and he can see himself. Landon's favorite way of interacting is playing "clap-clap" and "row row row your boat". He doesn't show much interest in many kids his age, but he enjoys the company of his big sisters Anesia & Damari and his big cousins.

Landon has Hypotonia, Cerebellar Ataxia, he's G6PD Deficient, and was just diagnosed with a rare genetic condition called Kleefstra Syndrome; he also displays autistic traits. He will be going to a 2 day Autism Evaluation October 30th & 31st in Baltimore, MD, at The Kennedy Kriger Institute. In so many words, Landon may appear to look like a normal toddler with obvious developmental delays, but in reality he will require life long medical follow-ups for multiple issues.  

Currently, Landon attends Easter Seals Child Development Center in Washington, DC; a child care center who specializes in providing services for children with a variety developmental delays and /or special needs. He receives therapy services for Speech,Occupational and Physical Therapy. Landon also attends playgroups for families of infants & toddlers sponsored by the District of Columbia Early Intervention Strong Start Program.

I introduce you to LANDON.

Landon sitting in his new wagon, enjoying at day at the National Harbor.

Landon at school on the blacktop, having PT. He is strapped to a Gateway Trainer for walking assistance.